Green IT
Green IT & IT-HAUS
What we do for our customers when it comes to green IT
We make our contribution to sustainability by informing customers about sustainable products and the various options for sustainable IT. In doing so, we set the best example ourselves.
Advice on ecological alternatives
Direct or bundled delivery
Packaging as small as possible and reusable filling material
Recycling programs for ink and toner
Device as a service
End-of-life management
Remarketing (remarketing) of old appliances
Repair service

Many IT manufacturers now offer sustainable products products. Sustainability is taken into account during development and production as well as in terms of recyclability and disposal.
The products themselves are developed in such a way that, for example, they consume less and less electricity. For example, the consumption of a modern printer of the latest generation is now less than one percent compared to the 1980s. less than one percent. The same applies to other IT devices.
We would be happy to advise you on the use of sustainable IT products in your company.
How we live sustainability in our own company
We at IT-HAUS have been committed to sustainability for some time now. It goes without saying that we already apply the above-mentioned points to our own IT. In addition, we are sustainably active in the corporate environment with the following topics:
Environmental certification according to ISO 14001
E-cars in our vehicle fleet
So far 28 e-cars, all-electric and hybrid. Further expansion is planned.
10 charging points at the company headquarters
Can be used for personal use
100 % use of green electricity
at our head office in Föhren and at the Andernach and Erkrath branches
Implemented Code of Conduct
Code of conduct on corporate sustainability
Annual savings of at least 188 tons of CO₂e
due to the elimination of the commute to work as part of our home office regulation
Own photovoltaic system on the roof surface of IT-HAUS
mit 109,35 kWp zur Erzeugung von Strom für die Eigennutzung. 30% des Stromverbrauchs des Neubau-Gebäudes werden hiervon gedeckt.
Rating with EcoVadis
on the topic of sustainability
UN Global Compact
We are a participant in the world's largest initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance.
Shipping 90% climate neutral
Through our delivery partnership with DPD, we deliverCO2-neutrally and offer a further reduction in emissions with collective and direct deliveries
Social sustainability
IT-HAUS has always shown social commitment and supports organizations and associations every year through volunteer work. Currently, we have organized an adventure day for the IRT vacation camp and supported the Vereinigte Hospitien in the implementation of songbooks as part of the TAT project. Further information about the projects can be found here:
What other companies say about Green IT at IT-Haus
For us, sustainability is not just a word, but a fundamental attitude. This is how responsibility,self-controlandsensitivity in dealing with different needsare elementary components of our actions. As a modern company, we are aware of our responsibility towards our employees, business partners and the environment and are prepared to actively assume this responsibility. In 2022, the aspects of sustainability were successively integrated into the existing management system. This was based on the requirements of ISO 26000.
Ourprinciples of sustainabilityare set out as binding rules of conduct in ourCode of Conductas binding rules of conduct.
As part of an implementedenvironmental management systemwe annually evaluate, assess and monitor the impact of our activities, services and products on people and the environment throughout their entire life cycle.
Our focus here is very clearly on measures toreduction of the emission of CO₂-equivalents(CO₂e), which we quantify. To achieve this goal, we are, for example, expanding our home office agreements, increasingly relying on dropshipping (direct shipping of products via third-party providers), gradually switching to e-mobility and reducing our packaging material to a minimum.
In addition to ecological (in harmony with economic) aspects, we also take into accountsocial aspectsThe number of trainees, the proportion of women in management positions and the average age of our employees.Annual sustainability targetsare defined quantitatively, corresponding measures are derived from them and their implementation is evaluated at least once a year. Our aim is not only to meet the targets we have set ourselves, but to exceed them.exceed them.
Would you like to find out more about sustainability at IT-HAUS ?
Then read our Sustainability Report 2023 here
Sustainability goals 2024
(Ecological aspects)
- Implementation Innovation rate
(Social aspects)
- Implementation of new training platform, optimization of training management
– Einhaltung Mitarbeiterzufriedenheitsnote < 2,5
– Einhaltung Fluktuationsquote < 10 %
(Ecological aspects)
- Compliance with dropshipment rate > 60
- Development of a system of key figures for refurbished rate, life cycle extension, etc.
- Development of a concept for determining the recycling rate
- Concept development and implementation Investments in climate protection projects 0.25 %
Prior-year income
- Donations amounting to at least 0.25 % of the previous year's income, implementation of proposal and selection system