Green IT

Protecting the environment and saving operating costs with green IT

IT-HAUS advises you on sustainable IT and leads by example

What do sustainability and green IT actually mean?

"According to the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)(, "Green IT " refers to environmentally friendly information and communication technology products and services on the one hand, and their use to protect the environment on the other. The entire IT life cycle - from development and use through to disposal - of hardware and software is considered from an ecological perspective.

The impact of IT on the climate and the environment plays an equally important role - for example by consuming certain raw materials. We speak of sustainable IT when it only uses so many resources and such resources that our ecosystems can regenerate themselves in a natural way and do not suffer any damage.

However, as sustainability involves much more than just conserving resources, the United Nations (UN) adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (see diagram) on January 1, 2016. These are a total of 17 political objectives with which the UN aims to ensure sustainable development at an economic, social and ecological level by 2030. All participating countries, including Germany, have committed to meeting these 17 goals.

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Tim Holste 961030002

Sales Manager Midmarket/Small & Medium Business
+49 6502 9208-304

Our manufacturer partners in the area of sustainability